Артикул: 6427
Рейтинг Datacraft: ****
Рейтинг: 3.55
Алкоголь: 4.2 %
Горечь: 10
Belhaven Black Scottish Stout really is something completely different. Bursting with roast coffee and chocolate flavours, this is a truly genuine and premium pint. Brewed using pure Scottish water and a unique blend of Scottish triple malts sourced from the finest locally grown barley.
Belhaven Black was launched across the UK on 23rd January 2012. A day of Scottish pride indeed. Bottles will be available in your local supermarket from April 2012.
Belhaven Brewery - Black Scottish Stout
Пивоварня: Belhaven Brewery
Стиль: Стаут (Stout)
Подстиль: Ирландский Сухой (Irish Dry)
Вкус: Солодовый, Хлебный, Шоколадный
В наличии: 10 шт.
Объем: 500 мл
Цена: 280 руб.
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