Артикул: 6428
Рейтинг Datacraft: ****
Рейтинг: 3.52
Алкоголь: 5 %
Горечь: -
Commercial description by brewer : Bourgogne des Flandres is the real taste of Bruges. The mixed fermentation is what makes this beer so special. The top-fermented brown ale is subtly blended with the best spontaneously fermented lambic, which is then matured in oak barrels for many months. It is this process that gives the red-brown beer a rich, creamy finish.
About the style: Even though Bruin suggests a style like Old Brown or Brown Ale, this beer should definitively be classified as Flanders Red Ale (Category 23B in BJCP 2015), because its aromas and flavors are rather fruity than malty, it has mixed fermentation, its aged in oak casks and its brewing location is in West Flanders.
Bourgogne des Flandres Brune / Bruin - Brewery John Martin & Brewery Timmermans
Пивоварня: John Martin & Brewery Timmermans
Стиль: Сауэр (Sour)
Подстиль: Фландрийский красный эль (Flanders Red Ale)
Вкус: Солодовый, Кислый, Хлебный, Винный
В наличии: 28 шт.
Объем: 330 мл
Цена: 390 руб.
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